Fylde Mark
The Fylde Lodge MMM No296 welcomed a new candidate in to the Lodge at the final meeting of the current Masonic Season.
Neil with PGM
Bro. Neil Callaghan, Secretary, W. Bro Ricky Clarke's candidate was advanced in fine style by Worshipful Master Bro Brian Ogden assisted by W. Bro John Forster (Signs), W Bro Peter Green (Charges after being invested) and Bro Brian Purdie (tools).
Neil with John Forster, PGM's Special Rep.
W. Bro John Forster then presented the letter of welcome to Bro Callaghan, telling him to keep the discount voucher safe as it could not be used until PGL next year!
The WM greets Neil
At the conclusion of the ceremony in front of 33 Mark Masons the Rt W Provincial Grand Master welcomed Bro Callaghan to The Fylde Lodge MMM wishing him a long and happy association with the Lodge and the Mark Degree.
PGM, WM Brian Ogden, Neil and Special Rep John Forster
Words by Keith Beardmore and pictures by Craig Scott